August 2023 Round-Up

Register for our NEW Ontology Training Program
Starting September 13, 2023
We are delighted to be launching a training program designed to demystify ontologies for life science leaders. Beginning on September 13th, we will be running five bi-weekly webinars that will draw on use cases and best practices as well as a half-day in-person workshop at our Boston conference on November 14, 2023.Register hereAgenda announced for our Boston conference,
November 14-15, 2023
Join us at our annual Boston Conference – “Collaborate. Innovate. Educate.” – where we will be shining the spotlight on how we can collaborate to accelerate the use of AI, Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence, and drive value from data. Our agenda features an exciting program of plenary presentations, panel discussions, themed break-out groups, poster presentations and networking activities.Register hereTo find out more about our last remaining sponsorship opportunities contact Event Lead change to take part in our Lab of the Future SurveyHave your say on the key technologies and skills that will be needed to develop the lab of the future in our global survey we are conducting with the Lab of the Future Congress. If you can spare 5 minutes, please can you complete our survey here. We will be launching the findings at Lab of the Future Europe, September 26-27, 2023.
Lab Of The Future Survey
Project & Community Developments + New Ideas
Ontology “Request for Proposal” released by the Pistoia AllianceBuilding on the success of the IDMP-Ontology, the Pistoia Alliance plans to initiate additional ontology projects supporting Clinical Operations and Batch Process Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Research and Development.These projects will start with a six-month (approximate duration) minimal viable product phase. Resources required to support these projects include ontology engineers and business process analysts to work with pharmaceutical industry experts to describe business processes and identify use cases that will be used to test the new ontologies and document the value and process improvement achieved through a semantic approach.Interested semantic technology companies are invited to get in touch via: comms@pistoiaalliance.orgExploiting Real-World Data From Social Media in Patient-Focused Drug DevelopmentWith the need to diversify the source of real-world data for regulatory purposes, the Pistoia Alliance and a few of its members set up a Community of Experts to evaluate interest in using social media for patient listening. Having identified that there is a clear need to define guidelines and best practices, the Pistoia Alliance is now launching a project that will evaluate regulators’ expectations, patients’ acceptance, data collection and analysis challenges. If you are interested in joining this new project, please contact of the Future CommunityWe are looking for speakers for our Lab of the Future Community meetings and webinars. Our community provides a platform to exchange ideas and best practices to develop the lab of the future. If you or your company have an interesting story to share, we would love to hear from you.
Please submit a short synopsis here.
If any of these new initiatives spark your interest or you have a new idea for a pre-competitive collaboration project get in touch.
Email New Pre-Competitive Ideas
Up & Coming Events
Don’t forget to visit our events page to discover the many different events the Pistoia Alliance and its members are hosting.Japanese edition:  Is your data FAIR(ENOUGH) Benchmark at AstraZeneca – Japanese Edition
August 24, 2023, 0800 BST
Lab of the Future Webinar
September 13, 2023, 13.00 BST
RegisterLab of the Future Europe Congress – September 26 – 27, 2023
As a long-term partner and sponsor we look forward to speaking at the European Congress. You can also join us at the Pistoia Alliance pre-registration drinks on the evening of September 25
UX for Life Sciences Conference 
Join us for our one day conference dedicated to UX in life sciences at GSK in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. Key themes include AI and UX, Accessibility, Augmented or Extended Reality (AR/XR) Design and Designing at Scale.
October 10, 08.30am BST
Lab of the Future Panel Debate
October 18, 13.00 BST:
RegisterPistoia Alliance Members Conference –
Collaborate. Innovate. Educate.

November 14/15, 13.00 BST
*Please note, all events listed on the website are displayed in your local time zone.
Get To Know The Pistoia AllianceThere has never been a more important time to collaborate to innovate as an industry and our projects and communities are a great example of this. If you would like to find out more about the benefits of Pistoia Alliance membership and how you can get involved with all the different projects and communities we run, please register for our open session on September 6th, 2023, 15.00 BST.
Register For – Get To Know The Pistoia Alliance Webinar
Membership CornerCatch up on these trending topics and more in our Knowledge Libraries:Enterprise Named Entity Realizing the Promise of Foundation Models in HealthcareRecognition (NER) and Linking with KAZU – A Deep Dive The Application of Large Language Models in Life Science R&D 

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