The Chemical Safety Library project announces RFP to build a hazardous reaction database

The Chemical Safety Library project (CSL) is pleased to release an RFP to build a prototype tool that will be used to enter new hazardous reaction information, store it and enable simple searching on the data held. The vision for the tool, being to make previously unaccessible hazardous reaction information available to the right people at the right time.

This follows work done by CSL project team members to develop a pilot spreadsheet based on the example used by BMS and shared with the project. The team shared, and took the best ideas from each others process for capturing hazardous reaction information and built on the BMS example spreadsheet, with additional fields and associated metadata.

The pilot database developed by the project team has been used to capture example hazardous reaction data offered by team members and now needs to be developed further and made available to a wider audience.

It is the intention to host the prototype on the Pistoia Alliance website and to allow open access, provided the user follows the initial simple registration process, that enables entries to be traced back to the submitter, if more information is needed. A small group of volunteers from the community of interest, will act as a review group for new entries and to maintain the integrity of the data.

During the first twelve months of hosting the prototype, its use will be monitored and a strategy developed for its commercialisation and to maximise the value of the information captured.
It is expected that the development work, following this RFP process could start mid-September and the prototype be ready for use at the end of November .

If you are interested in applying to the RFP , please see the URS supporting the development of the tool and use the contact below if you have any questions.

Contacts: (Project Manager) (Project Lead)


  1. RFP
  2. User Requirements Specification
  3. RFP Q&A

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