Title: What can the history of Antimicrobial Resistance tell us about future pandemics? A presentation and Q&A with Dr. Muhammad Zaman.
Speaker: Dr. Muhammad Zaman, Howard Hughes Medical Institute professor of biomedical engineering and international health at Boston University
Event date: 02 March 2021 at 7:30p EST (virtual)
Format: Intro by Daria from Daria Hazuda, Merck’s Vice President for Infectious Diseases Discovery and Chief Scientific Officer of their MRL Cambridge Exploratory Science Center. 30 minute presentation followed by 30 minute Q&A with Tim Gardner, CEO of Riffyn
Hosted by Riffyn and Merck
Open to the public
Register at Eventbrite: here
About the speaker
Dr. Muhammad Zaman. Dr. Zaman is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor of Biomedical Engineering and International Health at Boston University and author of Biography of Resistance an exceptional book about the history of antibiotics and bacterial infection. Muhammed was born in Islamabad and immigrated to the US where earned his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Chicago. He’s written two books, and authored dozens of columns in the Express Tribune and Huffington Post and has been highlighted in numerous popular publications (NYT, WSJ, etc).
About This Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series:
Riffyn’s mission is to make science work better by enhancing scientific quality, data sharing, and data reuse. In addition, an aim of Riffyn’s Diversity Program is to highlight individuals in distinguished roles that come from diverse backgrounds in order to inspire and educate our team and our community.
In service of both of these aims, we initiated a Distinguished Lecture Series to honor and highlight the greatest scientific minds from underrepresented social, racial, and ethnic backgrounds, varied places, and diverse experiences.
Co-hosting with Merck, speakers are invited to share their scientific works and social perspectives and to illustrate the positive impacts of science on our lives and our planet.
With this series, we will offer employees, customers, and the general public an opportunity to learn about the latest advances of science and its impact on our lives.