Title: Pistoia Alliance’s Insight into Collaborative Innovation Session – US East Coast & Europe
When: September 21, 4 PM BST / 11 AM EDT
The Pistoia Alliance has a global mission to “lower barriers to innovation in life science R&D and healthcare.”
To support this, the Pistoia Alliance is hosting an information session for life science professionals who want to find out more about all the exciting projects, communities, and initiatives that Pistoia Alliance members are currently leading.
New Initiatives
- Pistoia Alliance’s New Strategic Themes
- Pistoia Alliance & FDA In Vitro Pharmacology Working Group
- Quantum Computing
- Global Knowledge-Sharing Initiative
Fiona Ford, PhD Membership & Business Development Lead, Member Services, Pistoia AllianceEmail: Fiona.Ford@PistoiaAlliance.org Connect: Fiona Ford, PhD on LinkedIn |
Interested in Joining the Pistoia Alliance?
There has never been a more important time to collaborate to innovate as an industry! If you would like to find out more about the benefits of Pistoia Alliance membership and how you can get involved with all the different initiatives we run, please send an email to Membership@PistoiaAlliance.org.